an untitled monothon ii


october 15 - october 30

[Artspace] at Untitled is pleased to exhibit the results of our second annual Monothon, an invitational printmaking project that is conducted on an annual basis in support of the [Press] at Untitled. This year's marathon of printmaking brought together thirty-nine local and regional artists who produced monoprints over six days the summer.

By definition, monoprinting is a form of printmaking that has images or lines that cannot exactly be reproduced. There are many techniques of monoprinting, including collage, hand-painted or drawn editions, and a form of tracing by which thick ink is laid down on a table, paper is placed on top and is then drawn on, transferring the ink onto the paper. Monoprints can also be made by altering the type, color, and pressure of the ink used to create different prints. Examples of standard printmaking techniques used to make monoprints include lithography, woodcut, and etching.

Monoprints, which are known as the most painterly method among the printmaking techniques, and are regarded as a non-editionable kind of print, are essentially printed paintings. One characteristic of this method is that no two prints are alike. The beauty of this method is also in its spontaneity and its combination of printmaking, painting and drawing media.

Monoprinting has been used by many artists, among them Georg Baselitz and Tracey Emin. Some old master prints, like etchings by Rembrandt with individual manipulation of ink as "surface tone," or hand-painted etchings by Degas, called monotypes, can be classified as monoprints.


Gail Ayres, Julia Ayres, Rachel Bounds, Betty Bowen, Annalisa Campbell, Ginna Dowling, Kristin Gentry, Martin Hallren, Skip Hill, Michelle Himes-McCrory, Etty Horowitz, Curtis Jones, Michael King, Alexis Mathis, Michelle Metcalfe, Stacey D. Miller, Dorothy Moses, Regina Murphy, Joe Nevaquaya, Suzanne Randall, Kate Rivers, Cynthia Ross, Eric Saac, Bert Seabourn, Ann Shaw, Kayla Sherry, Michi Susan, Layce Swilley-Russell, Kyle Taylor, Suzanne Thomas, Laura Warriner, George Wilson, Richard Ray Whitman & Betty Wood