April 20th - may 12th

We are proud to present a curated selection of relief prints on loan from the BIG INK permanent collection.

The many artists that are a part of the exhibition were all participants in previous workshops held by BIG INK at various locations across the United States. The organization has shown their collection recently at the Seoul Museum of Art and Florida State University. BIG INK is an organized network of creative thinkers focused on carving, printing, and promoting large-scale woodcuts.  They invite artists, through a call-for-entry application process, to submit a proposal to create a woodcut that is at least twenty-four by thirty-six inches in dimension.  Several artists are accepted for each event and given two months to carve an image. At the end of the two months, BIG INK meets with the artists at a predetermined space, such as an art center, festival, or community print shop, and helps them print his or her woodcut onto paper.  Often they are printed on BIG INK’s giant mobile etching press dubbed “The Big Tuna”.  “The Big Tuna” is unique in that it can travel practically anywhere, can be setup indoors or outdoors, and prints woodcuts up to 48″ x 96″ in size.  No other such machine exists that can travel readily and provide artists easily affordable access to specialized printing equipment. 

These events culminate in exhibition opportunities and potential sales for the artists who participate. Each year over a dozen arts organizations throughout the country open their doors for BIG INK events and ARTSPACE at Untitled is thrilled to be chosen as one of them!