Artist Supplies
Here's what you will need
MDF board in size 2x2’ OR 2x4’
Artists will need to either cut their own MDF or ask an employee at the hardware store to cut it for them. MDF does not usually come in these sizes. The MDF must be 1/2 inch thick.
Carving tools
artist resources
Whether you're a beginner in relief carving or need a quick refresher, we've got you covered! Please take a moment to review our helpful tips and tricks, and don't forget the golden rule of relief carving: carve your text backward! Additionally, please review our materials guidelines, as we now exclusively print items that adhere to these standards.
About Woodblock carving
Woodblock printing is the oldest form of printmaking. Panels of wood are carved with knives or special tools called gouges to carve a design into the block. The raised areas, positive space, that remain after the block has been cut are inked and printed, while the recessed areas, negative space, that are cut away do not retain ink, and will remain blank in the final print.The block is then inked and paper is laid over the surface. Pressure is applied and the paper retains an impression of the design.
Prepping your block
Once you’ve signed up, it’s time to get started! First, you’ll want to choose a design. Keep in mind that any text will have to be mirrored (backwards) on your block so it will print the right way.
(Optional) Many artists like to stain their block before starting to make their cuts easier to see. This can be done with watered down ink and a clean, dust free rag.
Next, transfer your design onto the block or draw directly on the block. You can use carbon paper or tracing paper. Some artists may prefer freehand their design onto the block. Please do not carve very thin lines, since they tend to fill in easily.
To carve your block, use tools made for woodblock carving such as Powergrip tools. Always hold the blade facing away from your body and never place your free hand in front of the blade while carving.
Keep in mind that anything you carve away will appear as “white” in the print and anything left will pick up ink and appear as black.
Don’t forget to join us for our Community Carve events before the festival! Artists of all skill levels are welcome to come meet fellow printmakers and get free, hands-on instruction. To see dates, please check our calendar.
Pre-printing guarantees visibility for your artwork at the festival!
We will print it alongside you on your scheduled printing date using our printing press and keep your block until the festival. It will be wet with ink, so you won't want to take it home.
In 2024, we're introducing a new approach where artists pre-print an edition of 5 prints ahead of the festival. This change stems from valuable artist feedback. Instead of scrambling to keep up with sales, each artist will showcase one print while having four conveniently rolled and ready for purchase at the event.
We will continue printing at the festival, but rather than keeping up with sales in a hectic manner, volunteers can take a more leisurely pace and enjoy themselves. Any unsold prints will be returned to the respective artists. Remember to pick them up before leaving!